


07-23-2014, 02:32 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Croatoan
How did you get here?: Been here
Age: 16

Character's Name: Lezette
Age: 2 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36 inches
Appearance Description:

The beast is beautiful, his father being a wolf and his mother being a mix between a Husky and a German Shepard. His fur is sleek, and his form is halfway between a wolf and a dog. Lezette is powerful, muscles rippling beneath that beautiful pelt of his. The wolfdog keeps his head raised high, the dominance showing in his mismatched eyes. His tail is raised ever so slightly, and it is obvious that he thinks of himself as a god. He always has a small smirk on his face, his eyes narrowed in amusement.

It is impossible to tell what Lezette's base color is. It seems to be black, as the color coats most of him. There is a large black spot on his back, stopping halfway down his back. It speckles the side of his neck, mixed with brown and white fur. It covers the upper part of his face in a mask of black fur. It coats the back of his ears. Brown fur threads through most markings, spotting on his legs. The inner of his ear is brown. The color spots both eyes. White also speckles his fur, starting at the bottom of his snout and stretching down his throat. The color coats his front legs.

Mismatched eyes are the main thing, both beautiful in their own right. His right eye is amber, fiery and glowing, with flecks of light blue. Almost as if a fire in his own eye. His left eye is the exact opposite. A cool blue, flecked with the golden colors of his right eye. Small flecks of darker blue are also in that color. Looking at his eyes seems to be the perfect example of his clashing, beautiful colors. One eye seems like fire, the other seems like water.

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