
You Can Call Me Queen Bee



4 Years
07-23-2014, 03:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 10:02 PM by Anzhelika.)
The pale hued babe would find herself around the sandier parts of Alacritis, enjoying the heat. She would find herself following a slithering creature, it's tail making a wonderful rattling noise whenever she would get too close.She would run up behind it and grip it's rattling tail in her maw, laughing as she tossed it up into the air. She would be playing with danger, her life always an exciting one. The snake would land on the ground with a loud 'thump', the thing unconscious when she would poke it with her paw. "Oh well," she would say with a smirk, continuing down the sandy river bank. She would see another form slithering ahead, but this one was bigger. It was about two feet long, and it's body was full of thick and glorious scales. "I want that one," she would say in an awestruck tone, quickly bounding after it. The large ivory sadist would close the distance between the two, Anzhelika stopping right in front of the snake. It would give a hiss and bare his razor sharp teeth at her, rattling it's tail loudly for Anzhelika to back off. But, she ignored it, opening her maw to speak. "Well hello there, beautiful," she would say with a low rumble, seating herself in front of the creature. "My name isssn't beautiful.. It'sss Sssssabre,' he would say with a hiss at Anzhelika. "Well, Sabre. Care to be the Queen's pet?" She would ask in a low purr, her eyes landing in his beautiful rattle. "What'sss in it for mee?" He would question her, tail rattling loudly. "Murder, royalty, blood. All you could ever dream of," the creme painted babe would say with a long sigh, knowing those things would one day come true. "Sssoundss good to meee," Sabre would say as he would slither himself around her leg, then up on her neck. There, he draped himself over her neck, like the best fashion accessory the female could have ever gained. The snake would give her cheek a lick with his red tongue, wrapping himself around her neck affectionately. [s]"You're quite beautiful, my Queen',[/i] he would say with a pleasured rattle of his tail. "Why thank you, Sabre. My name is Anzhelika. What are you?" She would ask in a curious tone, still unaware of the animal that draped itself over her neck. "I am a Dussskyy Pygmy Rattlesssnake," he would say with another rattle of his tail, nodding at Anzhelika. "Interesting, my little Sabre."
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Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!