
Swallowing Pride



7 Years
07-23-2014, 04:26 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

Her wait just bordered on lengthy because of the limp the red-eyed woman possessed, but even seconds felt like hours to the impatient Tahlia. Each moment she was left to think to herself about what her first words ought to be, how she should broach the calamity that had been their last meeting, only worsened her indecisiveness, turning her stomach in anxious knots. When her left, dark gold eye, the only one of her gaze to still retain vision, finally alighted on the dark woman's hobbling frame the prideful female only hesitated a second before she was spurred into action, rising to her fidgety paws to meet Destruction halfway as befitted what she intended to do by meeting with her again. She could see so prominently now what she had missed before: the limp, the eye, the gentleness that reflected a kind heart hidden beneath scarred flesh. It only strengthened her resolve to fix everything she had broken between them.

Somewhere during her walk, or perhaps it had been there the entire time without her knowing, Tahlia's brow had drawn into a worrisome frown which remained even as she stopped to stand across from Destruction. She was still nowhere near determining how to apologize, how to thank her for what she had done, but even now her companion was coming to her rescue, offering a smile that she still did not deserve and inquiring if things were well. Of course she would ask that. Of course Tahlia's well being, after all the terrible, spirit crushing trials that Destruction had gone through, would still be of most importance in this instance. It was so absurd it nearly made her laugh. But that was who Destruction was, she could see it now, and she had made a horrible mistake in throwing her friendship away.

"I would not know," Tahlia replied, her voice quiet and a little unsteady from shame, "I have not spoken to anyone since yesterday. You are the first person I have sought out." And yet still she did not know what to say. Uncertainty evident as her ears shifted to rest against her head, her gaze dropping guiltily to stare at the ground, she made herself press on, to force out the words that did not so readily come to her. "Yesterday I... I said some very hurtful things. Things I realize now were unfair and unkind. I thought... I felt justified, but... I should never have said them. And then defended me." Tahlia closed her eyes, feeling the tears that began to collect there. "I was so mean, I did not deserve your kindness." Even now she still felt unworthy, but Destruction's kindness fueled her hope that things could be mended, that there was still a chance to salvage what had been broken. Still she found it impossible to meet the woman's eyes, but she spoke, almost above a whisper, "Is there any way you can forgive me?"