
You Can Call Me Queen Bee


07-23-2014, 04:31 PM
Time. The line of everlasting existence through events and history? Or was it something more? Fact was, time was not something that could truthfully be explained by anyone. It was infinite. Just like the mysteries it held deep within its roots. Many thought of time as a way to recognize the present...Others believed it to be so much more. A force beyond comprehension doing its work unintentionally and perfectly all at once. The stubborn existence of organization that held the past within a seal. The bringer of the future and the giver of the present. Some believed time to be a god all itself, invisible to the naked eye and unheard through religion. It very well could have been. When phrases are shouted out like ?we are out of time!? or ?Times up.? To some they are just phrases, to others they are tribute to the all mighty god of time. Whoever it may be weather it was real or not. Or perhaps?for something to be real one must simply believe it to be real? Faith was a powerful substance in many cultures throughout history.

Consisting side by side with time was the gift of memories. A function of history stored within the subconscious of ones mind throughout the period of their lives. Of course?there were always memories better left forgotten. Despite the fact memories would always eventually be forgotten in the downward spiral called time. The memories of the past, of those before us. Never told from the beholder but often from the witness. Stories and legends passed down generation to generation but with each generation only losing more and more of the truth as the line between reality and fantasy grows ever so thinner. It was the same with the beings that traveled the world. Over time ones blood does not strengthen. It weakens. If one were to make a copy, of a copy, of a copy it would not come out stronger. But weaker. This has always been true. The memories that held the truth where lost?forgotten In time.

Shadows stretched over the tall grass of the shadow valley as if to create a web of darkness. The trees echoed with the raw silence, other than the droplet of a single dewdrop from a dessert Flower landing on a nearby pond. Near the pond, stood a young man with eyes of violet. Staring at his reflection with a look of disgust and displeasure as if he were not pleased with something about himself. The man stood, growling and mumbling to his reflection. The lofty pines needles underneath his feet made the earth cool and spongy beneath his weight. The boys vision never left the pond as it glistened in the moonlight, turning it a variety of sharp colors. The male turned his neck and cracked it softly. His eyes left the point and now were directed to the glittering stars overhead. "The plot thickens..." He whispered bitterly to himself, lowering his head he sighed heavily and thought long and hard about something. His breath caught in his chest when sudden footsteps approached his position with a quickened pace. Shadows stirred as he immediately swung around, his shadow going crazy and swirling around him. His eyes searched the landscape for the source of the sound which had startled him. A rabbit, jumped out of the bushes and ran off. Forcing a breath of relief to escape Sparda's lips.

He gave the bush another look, nodded, then turned away. and stalked off. As he did so he turned his head over her shoulder and smiled. Before heading off again with a nod. Smiling deviously Sparda chuckled lightly and looked to the side of him as he turned to face the entrance of the grasslands. "Your Savior...has returned..." He whispered, placing his hands into his pockets and stalking off into the sea of sand to proceed with his journey. It took him all night, but eventually. He reached the dessert in search of something...yes. That was why he was here. A sly grin spread across his muzzle as he padded through the sand with ease.

Eventually, as if to distract him with his trip. His attention was brought to a young female who was...chasing a snake around? Interesting. The male lifted his head and gave a toothy grin, wondering what knowledge this female held in that...rather small dome of hers. "Appears i have my first contact...lets see what entertainment she may provide." He mused to himself, following her to wherever it was she was going. Once she came to a stop and made a new...serpent friend. Sparda made himself known. "It appears you quite the snake charmer." He said with a hint of devious intent...was going to be fun.