
Warrior Goddess


05-10-2013, 01:07 PM
His words were respectful enough and she eyed the male over for a moment. Her violet gaze gave away nothing. She turned her head to face Champion as she spoke of finding him. She almost laughed at the suggestion of death. She hadn?t met a wolf yet that deserved to die. Enslavement was a temporary punishment given to those that blatantly disturbed the rules of pack law. This male had simply made a mistake. She had known the thrill of a hunt and she smiled at the memory of how she and champion met. Her tail flicked behind her as she heard the male?s name.

?Well Vioxes. It seems my beta would like to claim you. As it were, I see not reason for enslavement as you have been respectful enough on the matter and accidents do happen. Enslavement is for those that knowingly cross our borders and disregard pack law for their own selfishness but you have displayed none of this. So you may either belong to champion and take your leave of our home.? she offered the male. He had committed a minor crime. Yet she was unperturbed by it.

Her gaze shifted towards champion as a slight laugh filled her voice. ?If you wish to claim him as your slave then by all means you?re welcome to it but see it is what the lad wants. If not he can become an apprentice and train with the warrior?s under your command.? she said with a smile. She wondered how her beta would react to her judgment. This was why she wanted the wolves brought to her. So she could indeed judge their actions and make a just and fair decision on their futures.