
I'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one


07-23-2014, 05:12 PM

Biull would watch Silveris, a mixture of fear and longing in his heart. He didn?t understand why she had bitten him. She might not have known it was him, and perhaps that was the reason for her attacking him. But all the same... It hurt him terribly. The male could feel his heart sinking, wondering what had become of his sister. She would have never attacked without seeing who the other was first. He just had to wonder... Why? What had been so horrible here that it changed his sister from the sweet girl she once was?

But there was hope, surely. For seeing her reaction told him she regretted the action. She did not truly mean to attack him. Perhaps she had been hurt... More wary of all the world and the demons that lurked within the shadows. She apologized, she apologized and then moved away from him. He would take a single step forward, a weak whine leaving him. No... She... She couldn?t just leave. Not now.

?...ait...? He would call weakly after all. He would take a step after her, ears lowering. The blood that dripped from his ear... Something that was so minor at this point. He just wanted to see his sister again... To reunite with her and become close. He would let out another weak whine before padding after her. At a walk first, and then he too would break out into a run, following her scent until he came to a den. There was another scent within too... A male. He would flick his ears back, coming toward the entrance of the den. There was a snarl within as Emery saw him, both male?s locking gazes with each other.

Walk "Talk" Think