
You Can Call Me Queen Bee


07-23-2014, 05:17 PM
Violet eyes would look to the sky with interest as the sun blazed overhead...such a nice little territory. Such a shame it was so inhabited...the Sheikah could of done will in such a barren wasteland. Either way, considering everything went according to Sparda's design would ultimately decide rather or not the Sheikah would be making their move. So far, he heard word from an old informant of his that a pack of tyrants have been running around as of late in these lands...and as a result. He was here. The Dark Messiah had at last arrived to purge the souls he deemed unworthy of life...just as his mother did before him. And his was after all the family business to guide wolfkind into a new world order...whether they liked it or not. Regardless, the savior would bring his attention back to the young female who stood before him. He held back a snicker when she told him she could 'charm' anything she put her mind about a tree? That would be something Sparda would want to see. Either way, he stood and watched her with interest. "Yes...of course you can. I don't doubt that." He told her with a hint of sarcasm.

His eyes remained on her as the ladies little...companion. Slithered up to him and hissed. Sparda smiled and shook his head...believe it or not. He could understand the snake as well...hell. Sparda spoke many languages throughout his life. Living in total darkness would natrually do that. Not even glancing at the snake he would speak in snake tongue...the true language of the serpent. "Slarhar hashisith, marselo varsalimi." He would say smoothly, the translation being 'I couldn't care less who she is's what she could become that interest me.' Assuming the serpent even responded, a chuckle would escape Sparda's lips as he sighed. "Queen eh?" he would say smoothly, walking over to her and touching noses with her smiling. "Ohhh Wolves are in a pack who follow the alpha...whats a alpha to a king...whats a king to a god...whats a god to a nonbeliever who does not believe in anything?" He would ask cryptically, pulling his muzzle away and turning his back on her slightly, strolling away with such charismatic gusto she may or may not be allured by it. He swished his tail on her nose to tickle her senses before walking away, looking over his shoulder at the 'queen.' He smiled gently and spoke once more. "At any may call me 'queen.'" He teased.