
We've A New Life


07-23-2014, 05:24 PM

Kar?s attack would succeed, snatching and damaging that sensitive flesh. It wasn?t exactly a choice attack, and he was certainly going to have to clean out his mouth later. Perhaps see if Nalyda knew where he could find some mint to clear this tainted blood out of his mouth. His left paw dripped blood upon the ground, but he would not let go of his hold. As the other swiped towards him he would do a side hop to the right, releasing his grip and took a few steps back. Balancing on three legs was not easy... But he was trying his best. For Nalyda?s sake moreso than his own. He saw himself as expendable... So that he could make sure she was safe.

The other would jump to the side as he released, and Kar would try his best to reset some of his defenses, bracing for another go. But Nalyda, bless her heart, would move to assist him again. She fought for him as hard as she could, even going so far as to make a killing move. He wished it hadn?t come to that... But it was necessary for their safety. Kar would look down at the male for a long moment before hobbling over to Nalyda?s side, holding his injured left forepaw up above the ground. He would lick her cheek, a whine leaving him. ?Are you okay...?? His voice betrayed his worried emotion, and such reflected in those lime green orbs.

Speech, Thought