
More than letters [DRAFT HUNT]

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-23-2014, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 06:43 PM by Dutiron i.)

ooc: OK, I want to try keep this active and moving so don't feel you have to stick to a strict posting order.


Frith would fortunately arrive, the other man had been a little doubtful of his own skills though Dutiron had the faith that he would learn swiftly, evidently from his success hunting as of late he wasn't a bad hunter to begin with. Hopefully the boy would learn to have a similar faith in himself though no matter how he felt, it was good to see he'd put it aside to stick with the agreement and help the pack. "And to you to Frith." He would respond.

It wasn't long before the first Draft would arrive. All were of course his grandchildren though this particular young male also answered to the same name that the Author did. He would smile as the younger Dutiron would introduce himself and begin his questions. He would allow the darker male to answer them for himself and await for the rest of the Drafts to arrive.

At last the numbers seemed to slow and whilst a couple of his granddaughters were still missing, he thought it best not to allow the gathered to miss out, it was time to begin. "Good morning all of you. We'll get the introductions out of the way first I think. This here is Frith, he is one of the newer members of Ludicael and has offered his help with today's lesson." He would glance now towards Frith, and whilst he didn't anticipate the younger man to recall every name he would introduce each of the children gathered before them. "We have Dutiron here who you have already met of course, Reqiuem, Saga, F?licien and Sorrel."

With the introductions out of the way, time to begin to discuss the topic with the children. "Today I hope that you will be experiencing your first hunt as a pack, I've no doubt that many of you have hunted alone or in pairs but a group hunt it rather different. Any ideas why a group hunt is so different and useful?" He would prompt the young Drafts to guess, perhaps they had already been told, if not he was certain that at least the younger Dutiron might have a few ideas.