
Kaala's Pawsteps

Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 02:03 PM


There were at the northern edge of the Battlefeild now - passing away into unclaimed lands, delving into the forest that would take them one step closer to what they both could now call home. He didn't follow his earlier trail, however; the one he'd made on the way in was a zigzagging, crooked path that took him by every common gametrail and stream. He chose a straighter road this time - cutting through the wilderness, often having to duck under logs or clear small creeks. Such things were second nature to him, but he made sure to set a pace that Kaala could easily follow.

To her statement that her life had been far from easy, Gargoyle grunted in agreement. He could imagine. "Now, though, you'll be part of a family again," he murmured. His voice was still without any real flavor or tone, but there was a softness to it. "Of course, surrounding yourself with good wolves, doesn't stop the bad things from happening." The monstrous wolf exhaled just loud enough for it to be called a sigh. "But it does make the hardships easier to bear."

"And what you make of your life, will determine how well Glaciem treats you," Gargoyle added. "There are mountains and lakes and forests to explore, there is large game to hunt, wolves to befriend and pups to help sit. You'll just have to find your own niche." That last statement brought back far better memories. His pups would be waiting for him at home. His lovely, round-bellied little troublemakers.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~