
Bringing Sexy Back


07-23-2014, 07:39 PM

before they even know what I've come here for

Soon an opponent arrived. It was a female, something that could only be identified by her scent. Her figure was impressively large and stacked with bulk, making her a suitable opponent. He gave the woman a mock bow, those deadly fangs showing as he smirked at her. "Yes we shall, my lady... my name is Charon Olympus," he growled. "Just so you know who is about to make you eat your words." He rolled his shoulders and flexed his toes, muscles rolling under a blanket of obsidian. The bitch had been so gracious to give him the first move, so he tossed her a wink before aligning his defenses. "Wonderful. Let's begin."

The man called to mind all of his childhood training as he distributed his weight evenly through four massive legs and feet. As his balance was corrected, he let his claws sink into the earth. Hackles immediately raised, responding to the threat. His knees unlocked and became slightly bent, giving him ease of movement. Then he tightened the muscles in his abdomen and back, pinned his ears, and bared his sharp teeth. His jaws would unhinge as he tucked his chin. Then he pushed his shoulders up to bunch the skin and fur around his neck. Brows would scrunch to provide protection around his eyes. Every defense had been set, and the dark brute was ready for action.

He would glare at the woman for several seconds first, looking for any weaknesses as he calculated his first move. Charon was never the type to just run into a fight without planning first. He thought things through carefully in every aspect of his life, and this was no different. Careless behavior in a fight could lead to injury. And it almost always did. So he took in a deep breath and raised his tail, preparing for movement as he planned to strike.

Charon jumped into a sprint, closing the distance in seconds. He moved his path slightly to the left, coming up on his opponent's right side. He jumped at the last second and extended both paws, attempting to hit Nausica's throat with his right paw and her upper stomach with his left paw. Claws remained out and ready; if he was successful in hitting her, those claws would bite into flesh and keep a secure grip on her. At the same instant, Charon was lashing out with his jaws, attacking from underneath her head due to the slight difference in height. His upper jaw would seek to pierce her right cheek while his lower jaw would latch under her chin. If she were to try and shake herself away, fur and flesh would tear away. And he remained in a position that made it difficult for her to bite him in return. Difficult, but not impossible. So the man stayed ever alert as he waited for Nausica to attack in the seconds that followed.


Round ONE of THREE for SPAR

Defenses: weight evenly distributed / claws extended and digging into the ground / hackles raised / knees unlocked and slightly bent / back and abdomen flexed / ears pinned / teeth bared / jaws unhinged / chin tucked / skin of neck bunched / brows furrowed to protect eyes / tail parallel to ground

Attacks: approaches Nausica on her right side and tries to ram his paws into her (right paw aims for throat to gag and incapacitate her / left paw aims for upper stomach to knock the breath out of her and incapacitate further) if successful, claws will dig in and secure his hold... Charon lashes out and attempts to bite the right side of her face, hopefully latching on to her cheek and chin... he will try to hold the rest of his body in a position that makes it hard to attack. Defenses will remain as he waits for Nausica to make her move

Injuries: none yet, first round