


07-23-2014, 08:10 PM

her violet eyes study the white and brown marked lass before her. she has an eerie grace that seems genetic to the armada lineage. she was young, which meant she was a product of one of isardis's newer broods. roman blinks, at her words and lets the subject rest. no doubt if faust, or any of her pack knew she was out running around pregnant and unprotected they'd worry, even if they shouldn't. she could handle herself just fine, anyone who put her children's lives in jeopardy would pay the dear price of their lives. that didn't matter in the now though, as she talked with this other armada. the girl introduces herself as lysis armada, and roman smiles, putting her name back in memory. it's a name she won't forget, and lysis speaks again. "that it is, i'm surprised i didn't meet you while i was in glaciem." she notes.

"tell me, lysis armada- sister of mine, what brings you out here to these rather boring lands?" truly, if roman was going to really travel, she would rather head south to enjoy the warmth. she'd have to make a point to travel towards the southern lands, she needs to rest and enjoy some warm weather. it'd definitely relieve some of her tensions.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak