



07-23-2014, 08:16 PM

The small brute had been walking through the lands nearby when a call was heard from Ebony. Was this the spring festival he had heard about? Was it about to begin? Dayton stood for a moment, a smile spreading on his face. Perhaps it would be fun to attend. Meet new wolves. Maybe Pacifica would be there. Unlikely, but not impossible. So the russet man leapt into a run, heading to the territory on which the festivities would be held. He followed the other trails and arrived at the border, where he paused and howled to announce his entry. Their pack may have opened this land to outsiders, but it was only polite to warn the Ebony members before marching in.

Dayton would jog easily past the lake, looking to where the other wolves were gathering. Many of them were unfamiliar, but he smelled the scent of Tortuga on one individual. He wasn't sure if he remembered her name, but the bold red coloring on her head was unmistakable. Dayton approached the lady known as Azalea (but unknown to him) and brushed lightly against her in the crowd. "Good morning, friend. You belong to Tortuga as well, do you not?" he gave an open and friendly smile as he spoke. "My name is Dayton. What is yours?"

After giving a polite pause to let the maiden introduce herself, amber eyes would scan the crowd. It seemed that many of them were approaching Ebony's queen, greeting her and thanking her for opening her lands. Why wouldn't they? It was to be expected, given what she was doing for them. Dayton nodded at the Tortugan woman before leaving her side, approaching the boulder on which Katja Finnvi stood. On the way, he heard another wolf address her as "Drottning"... that must have been her term for a queen. Dayton smiled as he grew near, lowering his head as he saluted the royal woman. "Let me thank you as well, Drottning, for opening your lands to us. We shall make this a joyous season." The boy lifted his head to grin at Katja before returning to the crowd. On his way, he bumped into the man who had arrived just before him. The dark chocolate brute was solidly built, with mismatched eyes and what seemed to be a likable personality. The grin never left Dayton's lips as he greeted him.

"My apologies, sir. It's a lovely day, isn't it?" Then Dayton suggested something that was quite unlike him. "Would you... perhaps... be interested in sparring with me later?"