
Drowning in a Pool of Regret


05-10-2013, 02:22 PM

Kylar had answered for her. His words cut through her like a knife. Ears flattened against her skull, wincing. What she had seen couldn't be unseen. The brute gave both dames instructions before gently licking the top of her head. He had changed so much since the first she had met him at the borders of Tortuga. And here he was today, setting out to fulfill some task. But what was it? What did he have planned? She had no idea, he hadn't spoken a word of it to her. But she could only guess that it had something to do with Kaios. The watched the brother and sister share a goodbye, speaking softly to one another. Something was wrong. But before she could ask Viri, approached her and Ky took off.

She looked up at Beta as she made her way closer. This certainnly wasn't an ideal situation. A ghost of smile tugged at her lips as she couldn't help but agree. "Thats fine, thank you." Her words were raspy but still strong, gaze unwavering. She could only imagine what was going through the dames mind. She definitely didn't intend for any of this to happen. She didn't want it to happen. She had simply left Tortuga with the intentions of spending a few days to herself. But in her travels, she became so wrapped up in herself that the hunger pains never got to her, she never felt the exhaustion taking over. She didn't want to kill herself or her child for that matter. She had other lives depending on her for her to take her own life, she needed to return home and care for them.

She didn't feel as though she owed Vi an explaination. Kylar, yes. But not his bitchy sister. After all the two women didn't exactly care for eachother. But none the less, the two kept their thoughts to eachother, only speaking when necessary. Tonight she would eat and rest, and tomorrow she would start the journey home. Whether or not Vi agreeed. "What is he planning?" her question came rather suddenly, but she knew her instinct would be right and if anyone would have even the slightest idea it would be his sister. Expression became expectant. She wouldn't tolerate being lied to or left in the dark, it wasn't only Kylars life that his decisions would affect. Their kids would be devastated if anythin happened to their father.
"Talk here."