
A frozen Waste


02-09-2013, 09:59 PM
The male started to walk onwards into the oblivion. The snow started to get thick and as he kept on going it rose higher and higher. As the two wolves walked Thane looked over at Ookami and licked her ear before he proceeded HE looked up and saw that Cyril was gliding happily through the sky with elegance and grace. Pawstep by pawstep he troughed through the snow and didn't look back. The wolf remembered the last time he never looked back; shivers went up his spine as he remembered it all to clearly but with a twitch of his ear the thoughts subsided.

Suddenly Ookami cried out about sighting green. There must be foliage ahead. Thane nodded up at Cyril who was looking downat them and the bird sped off towards the land. He wanted to mke sure there was nothing harmful that could endanger the two.

Although the snow was thick the wolf braced the wnsnow and lifted up his limbs higher so he could advance faster. Thane suddenly brok into a jog as he tossed up snow here and there. With his tongue lolling out to the left side and aqua blue eyes full of delight he bounded in and out of the all too familiar snow. His white lined ears were perked up as he went up and down showing excitement as he drew near land. Quickly he tossed up some snow towards Ookami but now too hard,more of a playful gesture. As he did so he let himself fall into the snow and rolled around with a smileof delight.