


07-23-2014, 10:27 PM

She had known of the festival, but she didn't know that it would be held practically outside her den! Voices filtered into the den and she knew there was no choice. She would rise, nudging her kids and then her mate. "Come, its time for you guys to meet the pack, and other wolves." She kept a smile on her face for their sake, not wanting to make them nervous, but she was a little hesitant. She had no idea who be showing up, but she trusted the Katja would keep the peace. She would slip from the den, leading them towards the crown, herding her children while walking beside Ares. Approaching Katja she would speak pleasantly, "Its a pleasure to see you again, my Lady. This is Phim and Daitaro." She would gesture to each of her children, smiling down at them, encouraging them to say hello. After introductions she would move away, dual toned eyes scanning unfamiliar faces. She didn't know a single wolf here. She would move amongst the crowd, smiling to those she passed, keeping her two kids close. She would press against Ares, looking at him with a nervous smile. It was the first time her kids would be introduced to others, and she didn't want anything to go wrong, she didn't want anything to happen to them.
