


07-23-2014, 10:48 PM

She'd been meaning to venture to the eastern territory, actually seeking to be alone- when a familiar call rang through the land- Katja, The Ebony ruler. The call was open to all, and curiously, she followed it- her nose picking up a variety of scents as she approached. Leaving behind her northern comforts- she would follow the scents into the depths of the east lands- noting a few familiar wolves. As she arrived, she scented several wolves she knew and many she didn't. Regally, it would seem she would emerge, her gaze alight and curious, leaving the shadows of the trees and wandering towards the lake- a lake very familiar to her. Pushing those negative thoughts aside, she approached Katja, a smile on her jaws. This had to be the festival she had been hearing murmurs about. "Katja Finnivi- or Drottning, what an honor it is to be here." She says lightly with a respectful dip of her head. This was the other queen's territory and she would be respectful.

Curiously she would glance around, seeing Bass Destrcution and two other Tortugan wolves. "Alright there, Bass?" She greeted warmly, glancing around her at the growing gathering. She glanced around at the strangers, surprised at the sheer number of them and actually unsure where to start.

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