
You Can Call Me Queen Bee


07-23-2014, 11:22 PM
It was never unusual for a child to dream of greatness. For the weak to dream of being strong. For the lonely to dream of companionship. For the lost to dream of being found. But what are dreams? A series of thoughts, images, and sensations within the subconscious of the mind. Or a cherished aspiration of ideal of something? These are thoughts that constantly haunted the young males mind day in and day out as did the merciless memories. Spiraling through his brain like water down a drain. A soft sigh escaped his soft lips as the wolf calmly recoiled his tail from the woman's jaws. Smiling at her with a glimmer of light in his violet eyes.

Bright eyes stared at the sun as the giver of light descending back into the depths of the horizon giving off an Erie twilight. Shadows stretched over the sea of sand that surrounded them. The sky became a mix of several different colors to offer its luminous beauty to the barren vegetation. Light dappled through the sprawled clouds above. The wind blew whispering through the lands a melody of shadow. Sparda carefully observed the environment as if analyzing the mystery of the dessert before returning his attention back to the 'queen.'

She stalked up next to him and took a seat, spewing words that forced a small giggle from Sparda. After everything he had just said she was still climbing up that tree eh? The bi colored male glanced at her and shrugged. "That depends...would you rather rule an entire kingdom with a high profile...or something a bit more...elusive?" Teased, walking around her before stopping at her front. Pressing his chest into hers as their hearts beat he stares into her eyes with devious intention as a a smile that could make a snake blush spread across his lips. "Besides... what's a dessert flower such as yourself looking to rule in the first place? With beauty as obvious as yours. I thought you'd already rule the world." He complimented with a wink before backing away from her to avoid being snapped at.