
Finding a Purpose

Requiem I


2 Years
07-23-2014, 11:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She laughed. The sound was so unexpected that Requiem blinked his green and teal eyes in a moment of surprise as the sound slipped from her muzzle, watching the way her vibrantly colored eyes closed as she gave herself over so wholly to her mirth. Beneath his brown fur, the boy blushed. She must have thought him foolish for his question, for doubting her and showing his ignorance in such an obvious way. He wished to take back the words, to say something else, anything else, that might paint him in a better light, but there was nothing to be done about it now. Requiem simply hoped he might be able to redeem himself before she departed.

His jaw had slackened uncertainly, trying to think of something to say that would be less harmful than his first comment, when the divine agent's laughter ceased and her expression changed. All amusement fled to be replaced by animosity, her red beauty accentuated by the severe look about her. She did not sound amused anymore. The laughter had only been a ruse that had successfully caught him off guard, and his answer came quickly and simply, "No." No, she looked very real, as did the scorn within her gaze. Some wonderful first impression he was making. He was going to be lucky if she did not simply disappear right there and never make another appearance again.

Suddenly afraid that she might do just that, he tried again to speak, his tail flicking anxiously behind him. "I just... I never thought I'd get to meet one of you," he lamely explained, pressing on in case his point had yet to be proven completely. "A red wolf came and brought my pack the cure for the sickness that was going around. I never got to meet her, but...she saved my brother. And some others." Did this young emissary even know of the one who had come before her, or the striking similarity she posed with the woman? Faced with a curious thought - did emissaries have personal identities? - Requiem found himself asking very tentatively, fearing that he might again look an ignorant fool, "Do you have a name?" He hardly knew the proper title to address her by, and a name would have been very helpful. Especially when he tried to relay these events to his mother later on.