
Drowning in a Pool of Regret


05-10-2013, 03:07 PM

Despite the lack of emotion on the womans face, it was clear that she was upset by something, only urging on Secrets suspicions. She hoped that she would be wrong, but Vi's words hung in the air. Meeting only shocked silence. Jaw dropped a bit, her residing once more in what seemed to be a permant position against her head. The hell he was. He had damn near lost it! Before she realized it, she was once more alone, the dame gone off to hunt. Her mind raced. She was stuck her, while Kylar ran off to play hero. A growl rumbled from her chest. Shakey legs pushed her up into a sitting position. He had taken her a week to get here right? There was no way she could start the trek back now. Frustration bubbled in her.

He couldn't do this! He was still young. She was nearly 8, she knew she would never fully recover from this. Their kids were not even a year yet. She wouldn't allow them to be orphaned so young. She tossed her head back and let loose a howl. Her angry song cracked like a whip. She knew he wouldn't come back, but he would hear her. He hadn't gotten that far yet. Slowly, the ebony wolf laid herself back down against the earth. Resting her head on her paws, she glared at nothing in particular and waited. Whether she waited for Kylar, for Vi or for sleep she wasn't sure. But she didn't stay away long enough to find out. Eyes drifted closed, sleep finally claiming her.

-exit Secret via dream-

"Talk here."