



07-24-2014, 01:35 PM

Guinevere didn't want to miss the opportunity to gather with the packs, the possibility of seeing her family was too great to pass up. As she traveled the distance between Ludicael and Ebony her tail would wag slowly behind her. She'd follow the newlyweds, Novella and Frith as the Authors had sent them on the pack's behalf. Guinevere had followed along, hopefully with Dhiren at her side. As they enter though her golden eyes would lay lazily upon the form of her sister, the pure tail behind her would wag more excitedly. It felt like forever since she'd had a good look at Azalea.
Fearing a rude entrance though her paws would not send her flying off to meet with the other Adravendi born. She'd slowly wade behind the chocolate and cream wolves, wanting to give her greeting to the reigning monarch. "Good day Lady Katja, I am Guinevere Adravendi sister of Azalea." She'd seen the gorgeous woman introduce her own calling. She would nod politely, and as she was dismissed would find herself rushing to Azalea's side.
Tail would flash behind her ever more excitedly as she made her way to the other's form, she'd found herself speaking to Dhiren's cousin Bass. "Don't smell Ludicael.." A smile would dance on her features as she giggled a bit, nudging her shoulder against the similarly marked woman's shoulder. "I'll bet I smell a bit like Ludicael though." It was hard to hide the enthusiasm, she was obviously doing ten times better than the last time she'd seen her sister. At the birth.. "How are those new little nieces and nephews of mine?"

talking to you