



4 Years
07-24-2014, 02:12 PM
The fae turned her head, eyes scanning over the land to see where the song was coming from she spotted a rather entertaining wolf. The fact that she could be on or near pack lands didn't come to her mind as she watched the brute. Nona didn't know the song and thus remained quiet as she watched. Her tear filled eyes quickly dried as she couldn't help but show what would be a grin and then slowly but surely without fully realizing it herself there was a smile. Perhaps this wolf wasn't here to cause her harm but who knew. Nonetheless he cheered her up but without hesitation she couldn't help but ask the brute ?I'm terribly sorry but I don't recognize that song at all... may I ask you what it is?? Nona couldn't help bob her head about to the tune. The brute before her was a rather handsome fellow to say the least and even then handsome couldn't quite cut it to describe how he looked to her.

Nona stood up from where she sat to watch him taking in his appearance with her forest green eyes. Despite the frosty cold winds that were nipping at her core the song was a bit warming to hear and she wished to know the song so thus she could sing along with him and before long the words flowed from her inky lips ?Would you be willing to teach me that song?? Whenever it came to songs she wanted to learn every single one she heard so thus to expand her own musical repertoire as she asked the Mocha colored brute. Perhaps she might just get along with complete stranger to her and they could possibly sing for a little while if he would teach her that amusing song. There was no time like the present to make a friend here.
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-