
Gateway to Hell


07-24-2014, 03:40 PM

The man would laugh as she snapped her unimpressive jaws at him, a pitiful growl resonating in her chest. "I'm trying to play nice, temptress... you don't want to get on my bad side." But apparently she did, because then she actually bit down on his gorgeous tail. The beast roared indignantly as she began to thrash her head about, causing minimal bits of hair to fall from his silky appendage. "How dare you?!" Charon bellowed, eyes flashing with anger as he would lift a hind leg and kick her in the face. She then released him, and he quickly turned to face her. The bitch would never get away with something like that. He would make her pay dearly, perhaps with her sorry little life. The woman would then try to get a grip on his ear, of all things, but he would trap her throat in his jaws. Clearly she was an inexperienced fighter to have left her vitals exposed the way she had.

Charon used his grip on the tender part of her throat to gag her and yank her roughly to the ground. As soon as he had pinned her, he loosened his jaws and pressed a paw against her jaw to hold her down. The man grinned deviously as he angled her head toward the lava. Any closer and her ears would begin to feel the pain. But for now he would let her simmer in the heat as he flicked his ruffled tail behind him. "You made the wrong move, my pathetic little queen... and you will regret it. I will make you pay for this, don't you worry." He laughed again, remembering how the lady had demanded to be treated with respect. "Remember this well. If you want respect from men like me, you respect them first. You honor them. You give them what they damn well want." His words were spat through clenched teeth, voice gurgling with a snarl as he dug his claws slowly into her cheek.

Then the pressure of his claws disappeared as well. Something piqued his interest about this lady. The way she asserted herself was rather nice... but he wasn't in the mood for a real fight, so he wouldn't bother claiming her as his own. Besides, she was too disrespectful to be his pet. He needed someone who would worship him. After a moment of silent thought, Charon grinned at the ivory princess and lowered his body to hers, straddling her rump and slithering his tongue past her ear. "I like your guts, temptress. What do you say we make a deal?" The large ebony brute leaned down further, his chest fitting snugly into her back. His breath came more roughly now, and as he spoke hot breath poured across the woman's face. "I shall spare your life if you give me the pleasure of your body tonight. Now choose wisely, for there is only one right answer. If you say no to me again, I can easily push you into this fiery river." His claws dug into the earth on either side of her body. He was being oh, so nice to this woman. She had better be grateful for it.