



5 Years
07-24-2014, 03:51 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The boy took to the reed quickly, and Callisto's assessing eyes never left him as she watched him pull the sugars from it. The effects were not immediate, which was to be expected. Most of the remedies she had been taught happened only after a certain amount of time, after the plant in question had gotten into the individuals' system, and her patience with her work paid off now. Eventually she could see as the shaking in the grey wolf's limbs subsided, how his whole body seemed to ease as the sugars took effect, and she was surprised as she always was watching the way the plant effected the body. It was always so strange, how something so small and often overlooked, could have such an impact.

After a short while Jakart was even able to rise, getting to his feet with a wag of his tail and thanks to her. The black and grey healer-in-training nodded her head in response, brushing off his thanks in a sense. Really, any practice was good for her, and thankfully her patient had been cooperative and had not whined about anything, which only made her job and training easier. Maybe she could do this whole bedside manner thing after all.

She continued to watch him, vaguely wondering if he had happened to pick up the little plant she had spoken of but also about the training he had been undertaking before he found her. Was it often than he raced up and down hills? Or were spars more the norm? She had never taken much interest in fighting or strength training - what good was it for her when she held no interest in it at all? - but, knowing what she did now of plants she wondered if there might not have been a place for someone like her in that sort of setting after all, someone to piece together the participants after they had beaten each other or themselves until they fell apart.

"Do you do this sort of thing a lot?" she asked, her tone only slightly betraying the growing curiosity she felt after the new turn of her thoughts. "The training, I mean."