
Dark Flame Of Mine [Creedance]


05-10-2013, 04:10 PM
Head would lower, protecting his neck, as he squared off facing the woman before him. She seemed, oddly familiar, speaking to a strange part of him. His fur bristled, as she snarled. He wouldn?t run from this fight if it turned into a fight. What was one more meaningless slaughter? Cree? the only wolf to ever have called him that was Amaranth. His childhood play-mate, and lover. His first love? the only kindness his dark heart ever felt.

She spoke, with malice. Though it was kind of hot, and it stirred a desire deep within him, it also infuriated him. Who was she to speak with him in such a manner? How did she have the guts? She denied who he was, and that was strange but not the craziest thing that he had ever heard. The she spoke her name, Amaranth. Could it be? Surely it was impossible.

Anger boiled inside of him, taking place of his dismissive stance of the bitch before him. A deep snarl would rip from his chest, as he stepped towards her. ?Who the fuck are you to impersonate Amaranth, my mate. My lover. She?s dead. Ripped apart by some mercenaries. Who the hell are you, vermin? Speak before I rip your tongue from your mouth.?

His two toned eyes stared at wolf before him, red clouding his vision. He would rip her apart. Starting with her tongue, he would the rip her apart, tearing her body apart, for shark bait.