
Keeping Pushing



5 Years
07-24-2014, 10:28 PM
It was a good night for the young brute. Every sense he'd made his choice to stop being angry and just be proactive, life had improved again. He was thriving. Perhaps even more than he had been before. He was a paw in the right direction. It had been a mad scramble at first, but, all it took was a little digging and now he was finally getting his paws back underneath him. Home was a light on the horizion, a light that he could now actually see. It wasn't just a dream anymore. It was something tangable, like the sweet juice of a fruit wafting into his nose and only inches from his tongue. Damn thought the young man as he walked along. Now I just want a big mouthful of cantaloupe to go with my fish.

A smile breached the young man's face as he strode across the boulders on his way to the beach. It was warm, the spring weather having brought the heat on. But that was okay. Newol was a brat from the dessert, he liked it when it was warm, even this late. It felt good to him, but then, he was also completely soaked from head to toe. Ever sense he'd settled here in the eastern part of Alacritis for the time being, he'd taken to eating fish, as there where plenty to go around, especially thanks to the Delta. But his skills as a fisher where, well, they still needed improving because right now it mostly involved splashing and flailing until he managed to smack one hard enough to stun it then close his jaws around it. Still, it was only stupid if it didn't work, right? And so Newol had nothing to be ashamed of as he carried in his jaws right now a large and bright red salmon as his reward. Also, it was hard for a wolf to take down large game on their own. Newol wasn't small, but, he wasn't huge like that. So, for the time being, this life suited Newol, and it suited him well. Try. Try all you may, try all you might. But there wasn't a force on earth that could keep a smile off a Zaraidd's face.

Once he finally made his way to the beach, he was greeted by the site of another wolf. He didn't know the wolf to be a Valhallan like himself, and didn't recognize him. But as Erani's son, there was a fair chance that the male might recognize Newol. This one older than he. Also one he'd never seen before, but even with that said there was something familiar about him. It was in his scent, but the brute couldn't quite put his paw on it. He didn't carry any pack scent on him, though, so Newol figured there to be no harm in approaching. Giving himself a shake first to try and rid himself of a little of the water that soaked his fur, it now being a sheet of wet needles bunched together down his body, he covered a few feet to put himself at a respectable distance. On his scared maw he bore a friendly and welcoming smile, his voice equally so as he set his fish onto of his paws. There was enough of a meal here for two, and the brown male was in a good mood so, it felt like the thing to do. "Greetings, friend. Would you be interseted in some fish?"