
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-09-2013, 10:04 PM
As the female stated her name, she saw the shock on the black ones face. How the creatures body moved, the glare the beheld Zarzenova. She quite liked the puzzlement and chaos she was causing; wrecking the poor creatures? emotions. Well well well.. how have you been, 'Nova? Remember? I used to call you that.. Zarzenova knew who this was, her dear sister. She knew it when Ricochet said her name. But this had been a game of cat and mouse, baiting and throwing around words and memories. ?I remember. How are you Ricochet?? Pleased to see her sister, Zarzenova did not remember how long it had actually been since she last set eyes upon her. It made her think of Alacritia, of home. I don't suppose our dear brother Jokull is lurking about somewhere as well? Was what Ricochet said next. Ha, Zarzenova had not thought of Jokull in forever. Independent as she was; Zarzenova did not stick around long enough to see the fates of her family. But now the female was reunited at last with her dear sister. ? Jokull? Sorry dear, but I have not seen him since I left.? As she spoke, the female rocked back on her haunches and sat. The earth was cool against her hot skin, her fur making the winter chill seem childlike though. Her multi-colored eyes watched Ricochet; even though Zarzenova appeared tough, she was glad to have companionship. Her heart leaped, and she felt light and happy once more. Maybe now she wouldn't have to be alone. Maybe now that she had a piece of family back that life would not merely be a dreary existence.

Her white head cocked to the right slightly, a question on the tip of her tongue. ? Tell my Ricochet, how is everyone? I long to hear about what has become of Tortuga?? Zarzenova hoped her sister would open up about this. It was a tender spot for her herself; all she can do is only imagine how it must be a sore spot for Ricochet too. They were blood, so why not feel the same way about dear father?

Word count//359
Listened to// Miss Murder
Notes// My brain feels like mush. Aww thankie Andy <3 Your posts are fabulous too!
Muse// So-so