
Let Me Orbit Your Sun {Joining}



7 Years

07-25-2014, 12:11 AM

Bass exhaled, his lips murmuring to let out a soft mmhh sound. That indeed was a question that he wished all new members would ask, as it was of the utmost importance. "We have strong ties with Glaciem, Tortuga, and Ebony. Those packs are close allies and we will aide them where we can, and treat their members like they were our own. Ludicael is probably our strongest ally, as it is run by my Grandparents. Elysium and Valhalla are not our allies, but they have not made themselves known to be enemies. However, the whispers I hear about those two packs are not good ones, all members of those packs should be dealt with caution. As for Covari..." The Azat trailed off, one side of his lip curling up as he pondered. His meeting with the purple queen of Covari had been interesting indeed. "I am not quite sure where we stand with them as of yet." Soon though, because Bass needed to tie up that loose end.

When it came to members that were untrustworthy, it did not take him long to think about it. "Vendetta seems to have a strange muse for Mirabelle, which is why Vendetta has my sister as a guard. She is being watched until she can prove that she is no threat to us, although Motif will most likely remain her guard. She used to be an assassin, and I am not quite sure where I stand with that one." Mira used to be an assassin as well, but she had worked hard to prove her worth to Bass. He could only hope that Vendetta would do the same, she would be a powerful member if she decided to let the past go. He rather liked Venus, he considered bumping her right up to Bjundi.

Heat flooded Bass' face as Venus pointed out his staring. It was a little hard to miss, he just couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, I have just never seen something like your eyes before. I do find them quite mesmerizing. My sister Harmony has each eye a different colour, but never before have I seen two colours mixed into each eye." He found himself moving closer, chuckling as he looked into both pools of hers. She tossed a compliment back, flattering Bass. Of course he had no idea that he was flirting, he was rather clueless when it came to stuff like that. To him, he was just stating what was in his head. He didn't realize that she may be flirting with him, he just took the complement to heart. "Nothing compared to yours, lady Venus." The title was respect and him being a gentleman, although he too liked the way it sounded. Perhaps they should all by lords and ladies! It was nice to hear, it buffed ones ego.