


07-25-2014, 12:24 AM

ooc: meeting begins at ***

Her call echoed about her, and she stood waiting. The first to heed to her call is August, and she is impressed at the Optio's quick appeareance. He nods, a respectful greeting, and she replies in kind- her eyes moving to stare across the lake lands, waiting for the rest. Dayton appears, seeming more himself at this meeting then he was at the last meeting that was called. She notes this with pleasure, but she has not the time to dwell on such simple things now. He questions her wellness, and she replies with a light smile. "I am, Dayton- thank you." She says lightly.

Next to apepear is Qanik, Roman's secondary praetor of Tortuga- its second Queen. The white woman comes close to Roman and speaks. Lowering her own crown, and exposing the scars bestowed upon her, she speaks. "It is not, but it will be." She says simply, wanting to save the news for the rest of the Tortuga. She doesn't want to repeat herself and doesn't want to speak until she is ready. Misha appeared then, with a small creature- that seemed to be her companion. This reminded the Queen of Greek, and she looked around for the small fellow- wondering where he had gotten off too.

None other than Azalea was next, and Roman smiled in greeting at the Adravendi- and the wolf she viewed as an odd version of family. She nodded at the ladies words, and spoke. "See one of us after the meeting, and we'll talk specialties, if you feel ready for that. Roman invited with a warm tone. She wouldn't rush the mother, though Roman knew that if Azalea was ready to participate- there would surely be enough wolves to help babysit around. Next would be Gossamir, who Roman would smile and nod at, then Chrono and Ritsuka- the hunters had probably been busy already this morning. Satis arrives, coming close to her- and Roman nods again in greeting.

Next is Elli and Esperenza- both females looked slightly ruffled as if they'd rushed to get there, but she welcomed them with an approving smile- none the less. Valice would appear, a wolf Roman hadn't seen since her acceptance and the queen felt some worry lift from her shoulders. She had wondered where the girl had gotten off too, but there would be time for those questions later. Talon and Kangi were next, the newest arrivals to Tortuga, and Roman gave them a welcoming smile, as they came into the mass of wolves. Faust hadn't yet arrived- but she wasn't worried, he would come. He perhaps was the only wolf here, she'd not rag on for being late. He was always there, when she needed him.

***She remained where she was, for the moment, her gaze warm. "Before I begin, I would like to welcome Azalea and her children, Talon, Kangi, and Esperanza to our ranks. " She paused, and smiled at Valice and glanced at Satis. "I would also like to welcome Valice back home, and to announce the return of my sister- Satis- who has stepped up to take a legionary position." She announced, her expression firm- as she stared out across the wolves for any argument in the appointment.

She looked out over her wolves- her violet eyes resting on each of them for a moment before she would take a breath and step forward. Lowering her crown, she exposed the scars bestowed upon her from the Covari queen, for a few moments before she would lift her head to speak. "Tortuga has been shamed, disrespected- and now I fear we are in danger." Roman began, her eyes narrowing. "I'm sure you have all heard of the pack Covari? Their "Queen..." Oh how she sneered the word. "has committed too many crimes against this land- to be allowed. She has poisoned us, and then trespassed into our home- like we are no more than a band of rouges, a move I'm sure she will be hesitant to make again." She pauses, inhaling, (possibly for dramatic effect). "Though I stood for each and every one of you, when I maimed her for her crimes of trespassing and poisoning- I fear Covari may seek retribution."

She speaks into the sky. "That is why, we must strike first. I have called you here, to prepare for a siege. A war against the fox-hearted wolves who seek to mock us. Our allies are prepared, Glaciem and Elysium will aide us in our endeavors." She pauses to let them soak in this news- this bomb of information. Are we mice or men?

"I will not force all of you to participate, however I extend and open invitation to you. Join me, and our allies in showing this filth that their crimes will be punished- that we will be respected for the strength that we have as a pack- and in our allies." She pauses, again, her pride growing. "I am going to call our allies to us, if you seek to be involved in the siege, now is the time to voice it. If you do not, feel free to leave and carry on with your day. Again, I will not force any of you. For those of you who will stay- I ask you to fight for our home" She finishes softly. Enough will stay- she's sure of it, enough will stay to make sure that they will triumph. She waits several minutes, to let those who want to leave- go, before she moves to call for their allies.

Standing at the head, of the Tortugan pack- she tosses her head into the sky calling for Glaicem and Elysium- calling for their allies- there comrades in war.

It's the day in the life and I'm ready to ride||
Got the spirit, I'm feeling like a killer inside

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

ooc: OKAY. No Tortugan wolves are being forced to participate. If your wolf doesn't want to participate, post and exit post and feel free to go on with your life. If your wolf does- then you may post a second post acknowledging that they do and wait for the allies. ALLIES ARE NOW WELCOME, BUT MUST WAIT FOR THEIR LEADERS TO POST FIRST.