
Sleeping In



7 Years
07-25-2014, 12:50 AM
He could see the shock in her eyes at his mentioning of the time. The fire in her eyes was burning brighter by the second. Energy. Curiously. Already in a manner of moments Anais was back to her excited wiggly self. Nako sighed at his sister. "Ya. I did go in for a few moments. And I do want a day, or at least a morning with you." Kailos and Jakart were off doing whatever. They're parents were around the packlands doing their duties, Bane waiting to be called to teach as an Eir and his half-mother hunting. But Nako and Anais. They would have to make their own fun as they had done in the past a winter ago when his siblings were allowed out of the den. His thoughts turned to the moment when he had ambushed Anais and have a fun race over to their parents.

The press of her cheek against his shoulder brought him away from his thoughts and to the current moment. It was good to hear that she also missed the younger days, but he felt his heart swell when she told him that she missed being with her brothers. His sister inquired as to what they would do for the day. And to be honest, he didn't know. "Well, we've already had a race to our parents," The yearling began with a coy grin. "but we never exactly finished it by ourselves didn't we?"?Nako gave a knowing smile and looked at his sister with visible amusement in his eyes. "He's taught us how to kill others. But I'm sure you don't want me to practice that on you." Nako gave a predatory grin motioned with a head jerk for them to get out of the den.