
The More The Merrier


07-25-2014, 03:10 AM

Something had been troubling his cousin lately. The man could only wonder. Her den was empty, her scent freshly leading out from their home. What was she doing? She recently wasn't her lively self, she was in more of a quiet state, and that was unusual for the bubbly character. The man thought for a while, next deciding to follow her scent trail. Maybe he could ask her what was wrong. It was polite to do so. What if it was something serious? Perhaps not, there was nothing serious in the young girl's life. Or was there?

A black shadow lumbered through the sparkling green trees, fresh dew clung to every emerald blade of grass. Her scent was entwined with Winter's, perhaps the ivory wolf had the same idea as him? Oh well, two were enough to ask her what was wrong. If there was anything bothering her. Distant cyan optics would find the quiet sitting girl, with Winter approaching her. The other man asked if she was alright.

Surely Dusk is worried sick.

He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

If only you knew.

Was he worried over her? Well, concerned. Titania was a fine and brave woman, there really was no need for him to protect her. And she's still growing up, only a yearling she is. She has much to achieve before she reaches her adulthood, though she certainly was no puppy. She was just a wonderful and carefree wolf, though a little careless.

The man would emerge from his spot behind the tree, a warm gaze resting on his cousin.

"Something's been bothering you, hasn't there?" He asked softly as he approached the two. He didn't want to sound like a worried father, because he wasn't. Yes, just concerned.

Though at the same time he approached the two, another wolf came into the scene. He was tanned man, of a large stature like himself. Though a funny thing about him would be the spotted creamy mark down his side. It was an odd mark, perhaps it was a family inheritance. But Dusk wasn't going to judge this man by his appearance, no, by his personality. He was a quiet fellow, not saying anything at all. Yet his sapphire gaze was fixed on his cousin. Did he know her? Was this what was troubling her? Were they friends? Though not long before Dusk had that feeling. He felt like Titania was seeing someone, gradually developing stronger feelings. It felt so...true. But he could not predict the future, could he? He was only a lone hunter, not some wacky prophet.

"Greetings." He greeted the boy with a nod. "I am Dusk Oaks, do you know my cousin?"

He just wanted to know. Curiouser and curiouser.

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