
The Devil In Stitches


05-10-2013, 05:09 PM

Desdemona would watch as Nnoitra followed along beside her. The massive ivory beast spoke no more to the older male, she had said all of which that needed to be spoken and now she needed to address her people. She was drenched in Kaiens blood, his stench wafted from her coat without question. She supposed it was fitting for a pack as ruthless and cold as Tortuga. The blood seemed to be a testament, a solid piece of indisputable evidence that she was now Tortuga's Queen. She would pace through the uneven territory with Nnoitra falling into step beside her. She imagined he had more than enough thoughts whizzing through his head. He understood the gist of what she had done and he agreed with her ideas. That would be enough, at least, for now, later they would converse in more detail, after they had dealt with the masses, after they turned Tortuga on its axis and watched the world spin.

The clearing she choose was a small area devoid of trees, a chunk of the mountain jutted out in a rocky mess, just large enough for her and Nnoitra to comfortably perch upon. It was good enough and it would suffice. Her massive ivory pelt would scale the rock and with a jerk of her head she would offer the place beside her to Nnoitra. Her eyes glanced at the rough terrain of her home, what would her mate think? What would he say? She would need to speak with him privately later. Her teeth would grind together as she prepared herself for the chaos that was short to erupt. Jaws splaying wide she would let out a loud roar, a summon that demanded no hesitance. Every last one of Tortuga's members would show or they would be exiled. Far too long had Tortuga been complacent, Desdemona was going to change that.

She remained standing, a sentinel soldier, unmovable, unreachable as the wolves rolled in, she noted various states of shock, disbelief, and curiosity as they observed both her and Nnoitra, but Desdemona would wait, eyes dark and unreadable as her people filtered in from all reaches of the territory. She would wait with utter patience, muscles rippling with anticipation until all of Tortuga's inhabitants were settled before her. never one to dally, she would speak without hesitation.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Desdemona. A short few hours ago I challenged Kaien for the right to rule Tortuga, the fight was supposed to attend with minimal injury, halfway through, Kaien submitted, he did not wish to return to Tortuga when half the pack shunned and hated his very existence. He asked me to end his life honorably and I headed his final request. Kaien is dead, he has been buried upon the Battlefield." She would pause here, allow that news to settle amongst the crowds. She waited until the cries had died down before continuing, shifting her weight carefully.

"I intend to leave for Valhalla come the morrow. Tortuga is a pack of neutrality, an alliance, a compromise must be made. For those of you who thirst for blood I stress this point indefinitely, I will not have any of my pack members jeopardizing an alliance. Do not make a pass at another pack that could result in a war. Neutrality means stable and indifferent. If we continue to upset the balance between the packs we will fall to war, I for one have had enough bloodshed to last me a lifetime. If you attempt to sabotage this balance it will be met with dire consequences." Complacency and indecision had reigned too long. Desdemona would not falter in her decisions.

"As for ranks... Nnoitra will rule beside me. He has proven quite capable of leading Tortuga and the vast majority of you enjoy and respect him as your leader. Things got accomplished when he led and I see no reason to seek another when he is so readily at my side. The rest of you, from this point on, are stripped of titles and ranks, Morphine included. In two days time Nnoitra and I will host a tournament. Everyone will be on an equal playing field. No favorites, no exceptions. You will prove yourselves to Tortuga and earn your ranks. Seconds will be chosen. From there a series of challenges will be presented and the rest of the ranks will be distributed from there. Nothing is mandatory but if you fail to attend you will be ranked as a Crucion, the equivalent of a slave. If you are pregnant or are otherwise indisposed you are excused from these games, providing you let one of us know ahead of time." She would pause and flicker her massive cranium towards Nnoitra, allowing him the chance to speak.

(((OOC: I realize all of you are gonna want the chance to speak, but please allow Nnoitra to post next! If you would like to have a one on one thread with Des just go ahead and start it up and send me a PM with the link! Thank you!!!Everyone has one week to reply to this <3333)))
