
Take the Heartland


07-25-2014, 02:07 PM

Such serenity could be found in the dark catacombs of the rustling thickets. He seemed to wander about the lands of Alacritia in his free time to bide the hours of boredom he suffered from. A meeting intrigued the Raven so, topaz gems beginning to take on a shimmering hue. Ah, such familiar blood they were of. Both of dark pelts such as the Raven himself. Silently in the thickets he would watch, ebony auditories taking in any words spoken by the duo. Ah, Charon and Remus Olympus. So nice to see you two. A sinisterly heard thought came to mind as he spoke, hearing of the plots the two were creating. His ebony figure rose, his bodice moving fluidly to avoid the thorns. Only a simple rumble from his chest could be heard as he merged into the shadows, the only trace of him being his scent and burning coals. He had emerged at the tail-end of the gold intwined brute's speech, and his own voice would sound. No such thing as perhaps exists, my dear uncle and cousin. His vocals would come as deep and sinister, disregarding greetings and catching up with the recent events, I have no plans but to rip the crown from the current matriarch of the sinned. Olympus must belong to those who have lived in the shadows for far too long, and upon that throne, must lie u s. Though his words were masked in honesty, lies wove into each word. Only he could hold the crown of the Olympus family matriarch, entitled the K i n g of Hell. Few were worthy of such a title, and what creature of spawn of the god would be most fitting of the title other than he?

hear me ROAR.