
Requiem on Water


07-25-2014, 02:18 PM

Of all the places Charon had traveled through, this one had to be the worst. He grumbled irritably as his black paws slipped through grime and mud. The recent spring rain had brought this swamp to life, and that wasn't exactly what this brute wanted. Enraging little bugs droned around his gold trimmed ears, burning his fuse by the second. Hundreds of birds cried out all around him. The water was thick and stank of decay... that smell was perhaps the only thing that didn't bother him. But soon enough he had treaded through the entire blasted pond, and as Charon reached the shore he shook out his silky black coat. Mossy water was thrown all around, and he snorted some of the stuff from his nostrils. "Damn it," he barked. "I didn't want to have to swim through that fucking pond..." His tail dripped filthy water, and the only thing that kept him from losing it was the thought that he would arrive in Olympus tomorrow. Then this living hell would come to an end.

Evening was beginning to fall over the land, and Charon had to admit that he felt some fatigue in his bones. He had been walking every day for nearly two weeks now. He was finally ready for the nightmare to be over. The monstrous brute sighed and shook himself once more before finding a piece of shade and stretching out beneath it. His fur would dry soon enough, but then he would need to find a cleaner body of water to wash up in. If he was going to present himself as a god to the members of Olympus, then he would at least need to smell like one. Charon chuckled once, bleakly, and began to close his eyes.