
Standing tall and strong.


05-10-2013, 05:29 PM

Tikaani needed to face him once more, she knew that she needed to apologize for her actions. She was aware as to what she was doing was not the way she should have gone about things. She was only a year and a few months, so what was she even thinking as to going off as a loaner. To makes this situation worse, if she had won and left she had little to no training in anything. She was completely useless, in a pack with no skills she would be the piece of shit on the bottom of everyone's paw. Just a nuance, So she would call out Nnoitra, the brute who confronted her and made her stay. She hoped that he would train her in skills, she needed someone to do so. Like become his apprentice or something like that.

What ever is to happen is up to him decide, she knew that she could only give suggestions and the rest was up to him, up to rather or not he will take her in to train. Tikaani paced as she hesitated in calling him out, she was still a bit sore from the fight but that she would have to deal with. She let out a sigh and raised her head to the sky. Tikaani let out a call for Nnoitra.

The call echoed and then soon resided. She was not sure as to what was coming next, but all she knew was that this must be done. She paced a bit more then relaxed. She needed to calm her nerves, this will not be a fight, he shouldn't yell at her or nothing. The yearling stood there and waited for the brute to make his appearance.
