
Swallowing Pride


07-25-2014, 02:58 PM

Tahlia would come out to meet her halfway... And for that Destruction was truly grateful. The dark woman longed to see whom she still hoped would be her friend, and she was relieved to see she was unhurt. She was actually surprised to hear that she was the first one that Tahlia sought out, but understanding was within her heart. To make amends... And not because Bane wanted her to... But because Tahlia wanted to. That meant much more to the dark woman, and she would give a slow nod, quietly letting her friend speak on.

Then, when Tahlia asked her if there was any way if she could be forgiven, the woman would answer without hesitation. ?You are already forgiven, Tahlia. The words you said... They were right in their own sense... But the past is the past, and let us bury dark things behind us.? The woman would offer her a smile. ?No matter what happens, Tahlia Carlier, you will always be someone dear to me. You were one of the few that truly helped me open up... To get my out of the dark place in my life and get my back close to the light. I could never leave you when I knew you were in need. I may not have made the wisest decisions... But that doesn?t mean I don?t care for you... Or any of you. I love you all as my own family.? The female would lean her head forward, gently nuzzling the other femme?s shoulder.