



07-25-2014, 03:02 PM
ooc sorry this was rushed... skype for questions

Nephele felt her own shove at Art's chest connect, but due to the size difference it was relatively light. Causing bruising on her own left shoulder from the bone to bone action. They remained at a forty degree angle with Artemis pointed at her left shoulder. Though, her next attack was soon a regret. As Nephele dove in and tried to connect her wide jaws to her sisters right shoulder, her darling sister slipped down before shunting her right shoulder forward. Slamming her bony bit of body into the golden marked babes jaw. Bone would hit the front of Neph's lower jaw causing her to whip her head back quickly. Such pain was horribly sudden, nearly knocking the breath from her. The bite was blocked and her jaws felt as if it was going to lock in place so she took a moment to insure it was still in tact. After taking a moment she then regretted such as well. Artemis dove in, snapping her jaws at Nephele's right side of face. Upper jaws connected with the bits of skin just above her right brow, lower jaws purchasing at the right most bits of Nephele's perfect cheek. Teeth on her upper jaw would sink in barely a half inch but the teeth of her lower jaw would sink in deeper, nearly a half inch in. Blood would slither its way from her body and run down her snowy fur. The pain was intense but not as bad as the bruising upon Neph's lower jaw.

The lady took a few moments to insure her defenses were still firm. Each knee was bent to lower her light bodice to the ground to allow advances in stability and mobility. Toes were splayed to help her grip the earth with her rough paws. Claws were dug into the earth for some more gripping. Each leg was evenly placed on the earth to help her balance as well. An ash dipped tail was aligned with her bony spine for balance and mobility. The babe's gold and ash marked head was aligned with her spine. Cyan and purple eyes remained narrowed, disabling them as much of a target for teeth or claw. Snow white lips curled up to show her ivory fangs for intimidation factors. This would also increase protection under each of her eyes, due to the skin being bunched up now on her cheeks. Due to the fact that her jaws had not met flesh, her head attempted to tilt slightly blocking her throat. Her hackles were puffed up to protect the areas beneath her scruff. They would puff up into rolls of thick skin. Ears were flat to her skull. Last but not least, her core was tightened and breathing steady.

Despite the fact that Artemis had ruined Nephele's first bite assault, the fae would still try to wrap her jaws around something. Right after her sister went in for a bite, the smaller fae would attempt to snap her jaws at the right side of Artemis's face. She would attempt to lean her cranium to the right and aim for her jaws to basically attack any bits of flesh she could. Mainly stretching for her sister's cheek, right under her right eye. Her front teeth would be the ones at work, trying to at least make a mark on the flesh. Though, she was not done. Her left paw would raise and aim to quickly and harshly swipe at Art's right leg. She would try to push it towards Nephele, mimicking her sisters own move. She hoped such an attack would result in her sister tripping forward or something, but would not fret if she did not.


for TASK

one twothree
