
I'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one


07-25-2014, 03:06 PM

It was his urge to protect his sister, or rather be over-protective of her, that gave Biull any of the courage he held now. He would glare daggers at the other male for a long moment before breaking his mistmatched gaze away and looking at his sister. A mate... How is it that she had a mate? He really couldn?t believe it. He sighed, a raspy sound, before looking to Emery again. The male was trying to start over with him, and mend their first meeting. But to come to trust this male with his sister was truly going to take time. For now, for Silveris? sake, he would not try and fight.

?...ce to ou...? By the look the other gave him he could tell that his broken and quiet speak was not completely understood... But it was the best he could do right now. The male would look to Silveris, his gaze full of questions. How had she met this Emery...? How long had they been together? He would give another soft whine. More than anything he just wanted to rekindle their bond... To be her brother again. If that meant accepting Emery... He would do his best.

Walk "Talk" Think