



07-25-2014, 06:02 PM

Sapphire eyes trailed Ritsuka as he walked into the meeting. Gossamir offered a soft smile but her stomach sank. She had a bad feeling. Something wasn't quite sitting right and she could practically feel an unspoken tension in the air. Not only that something was telling her she might not get to see Ritsuka again. The young fae forced the feelings down. She was just jittery from her encounter with the tiger that was all. Roman spoke and soon the meeting became a massive throng as more wolves piled in from their allies.

Gossamir remained silent eyes narrowed slightly. Roman had outright insulted her and it hurt. Had Roman not made her Curi? Did the Queen not have faith in her skills? None of the herbs that the Queen of Covari had brought to Tortuga had been poisonous. Hell Gossamir was trained in poison and dangerous side effects of herbs well before she learned how to use them to heal. She knew poison. None of it was. But fine then? so Roman didn't trust her. Would it mean she'd skip out on this war? Certainly not? but afterwards she decided it might be time to move on.

Eyes lingered on the form of Qanik, the pregnant femme, friend and in some ways a mother figure to Gossamir. She would do everything in her power to protect that woman. As well as too protect her friend Ritsuka. The pack was important to her regardless and she would not let them go into battle alone.

"I've stated before my disagreement on the supposed "poisons". However, I don't deny that Covari is a huge threat to our security. A queen that so boldly and blatantly trespasses on another's kingdom will only grow more bold, especially if she has some sort of connection to this place." There was no doubt in her mind that the Queen of Covari would eventually seek to over throw Tortuga. They might as well make their stand now. "I will stand beside my fellows and fight til my last breath!"

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]