
Welcome To My Kingdom


07-25-2014, 08:46 PM

This seemed to be off to a bad start - Esti had no ill intentions toward Misha, or the squirrel for that matter. Ah, he had hoped this would have went better. Misha would ask him to speak for her, but Misha really should state her own name. At least her name and he would answer any other questions. That would not be rude, right? Winter was not sure how wolves handled one another in large groupings for all her ever had to worry about was himself.

Winter gazed at Misha and would whisper so only she could hear. I think it would be very nice of you if you tell them your name. I will answer any other questions they might have for you.

His friend, Dusk, congratulated him. Though, he seemed rather confused about the whole situation. Winter had to admit, it confused him to. How a wolf could capture him as Misha had. Never would he had thought he would love another so dearly. Never had he thought a wolf could change him so quickly.Thank you, Dusk.

Titania would squeal happily over the rat that he had grown to dislike. Though, honestly, he never really like the rodent from the start. Maybe the creature would take to Titania and then he would not feel as bad if he decided to eat it. Hmm. . . maybe Misha will give it to you, Titania. It's an annoying little rat, though.

Esti would speak again, this time he felt her words were a bit rude; however, he had to admit, Misha was not being an angel. He was unsure how Misha would handle this part. It seemed Misha had trouble controlling her own feelings from time-to-time. One moment she seemed happy, another sad, and then angry.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark