


07-25-2014, 09:20 PM

The boy's reaction was immediate. He was lying, taking a nap, inside his tree-den. When he awoke, he couldn't remember his dreams. His mind was immediately filled with the sweet, lyrical note that was Harmony's call. It was a summoning, for everyone in Abaven. Instantly, the dark russet male stood, lifting his light weight onto oversized charcoal paws. His muscles twitched, rolled, shaking the sleep from his pelt. He slid quickly through the thin, short opening and swiftly set off to answer Harmony's call. He knew he would not be the first there; his pack was nearly on the other side of Abaven's territory. But he was genuinely shocked to see that he was the second. He panted only softly, but recovered quickly as he sauntered easily to a place not too close to Harmony. Close enough to hear her well, but far enough that Bass surely wouldn't become too upset. He inhaled the scents of some of the herbs she had, his mind attempting to trace the scent to the herb. He had become a Vor recently; something he would need to seriously thank Bass for.

He and Harmony were the same rank. For a reason unknown to the lean male, his heart fluttered, and a little shiver ran through his body. He blinked in confusion, finally taking a seat, shaking his head. He realized that he had yet to introduce himself, though he supposed Harmony would have them do so, considering there were still new members. His grey gaze turned to the other attendant. She looked familiar. He'd seen her at the pack hunt. What was her name? Serra... He was certain that was it. He gave a nod in greeting to her, a small, polite smile. "It was Serra, wasn't it?" His vocals were low, soft, his eyes showing a bit of light through their grey hue at the question; he would be able to either confirm or deny his initial guess. And if he were incorrect, then it was also a chance to correct his information, to update his software, so to speak. That is, if she did, indeed, even speak to him.
