
The Hunt is On



6 Years
05-29-2013, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2013, 10:30 PM by Azalea.)

The lack of large prey had quickly derailed their hunting mission to a talking mission. The two gabbed like crows over carrion. "I hope we can, Azalea," the blue eyed she-wolf answered. Azalea glanced over to her as Epiphron's nose dipped to the ground, realizing that she had stopped checking for scent all together. Maybe she had something to prove to the young alpha today but honestly did it have to be today? If the prey wasn't running then there was little they could do about it.

"Truthfully, I don't know Icarus well, and I haven't had time to speak with him alone yet. But I know my father wouldn't hand the rule of Valhalla to someone who would run it into the ground." Azalea did not know Icarus either. Not at all. Perhaps it was just her young age or perhaps she didn't pay enough attention as she should.

"Collision was simply misguided," Epiphron stated. She seemed to be dancing for good responses, ones that would not hurt Azalea's feelings. Amber eyes watched as her aunt frowned lightly. "You don't have to apologize for your father's actions, but I appreciate it. I know that he meant the best for Valhalla, but... failed in his execution." There was a pause as they trifled through their personal thoughts. Azalea could tell that Epiphron didn't hate Collision for how things were. "I do have a lot of damage to repair, though, don't I?" She nodded, her eyes getting wider. "I have faith in you." She responded, her Valhallan trust and loyalty shining through as she leaned over to bump her elbow playfully against her aunts.

Now Azalea was the one frowning. In one instant her vibrant smile fading to a look of worry. "I feel bad for my mother. She's finally well only to arrive to such a mess. If anyone is to find Collision, it's going to be her." She perked up again, "I really do love my parents... for all their flaws."
