
The Devil In Stitches


05-10-2013, 05:58 PM

The sounds of a call rang in the old Brute's ears, it was for a pack meeting but not a call from Morphine, nor Kaien. His ears laid back in curiosity, what had happened. Ears coming up to normal position he made his way to the call. The voice behind it was familiar but he was not sure about that. Tail swaying with each step, the brute walked with a hobble. His black eyes soon landed upon Nnoitra, and yes he was correct the call came from Desdemona her self. The brute came into view he was unsure as to what was going on. Yet he would still lend his ears to the words that both Desdemona and Nnoitra would have to say. The smell of Kaien filled his nostrils, it was coming from the dame's pelt, she was covered in his blood. So that is how it is, Ulrike knew that being soaked in another blood meant, fatal wounds, and death.

Maybe his hunch was wrong and that was not the case, but surely it was. Ulrike stood up, he did not want to sit, this was a topic not to take lightly and he knew that. As she spoke his ears pointed foreword, then resided upon his skull. Not for aggression but sorrow, the old Alpha was indeed gone. Ulrike Listened on some more as she mentioned fixing things with Valhalla, that was a good move, and she gained brownie point with him on that part. Things kept moving on as she continued to speak, she spoke of a tournament to decide on ranks. Ulrike liked this he did indeed, this would give those with the skills and determination a chance to get the rank they deserve.

Next Nnoitra spoke, his words were simple stating to listing to her and if have any questions address them to him. Ulrike found all her terms reasonable, and he did like who she chosen to be secondary Alpha. Once Nnoitra seized talking Ulrike gave Desdemona a slight bow of respect before he spoke. "Desdemona, your actions that you addressed here are wise and i believe will benefit the pack. I welcome you in as my new Alpha just as i welcome Nnoitra at secondary. It is tragic for Kaien and i would like that the pack give a farewell call out to him. I know it is a bit old transitioned, but i think that you shall see it as to he dose deserve a fair well call. Just like everyone, and every creator deserves when they pass." Ulrike finished speaking he hoped that she would accept a pack fair well to the Former Alpha.
