


05-10-2013, 05:59 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

After what had occurred as a result of the last summoning howl Kaien had received emanating from the battlefield, the white witch was in no position to lounge at the heart of Tortuga?s domain whilst the possibility of chaos lingered in the air. Therefore, a few minutes after Kaien had departed for the arena, Morphine had followed in his pawsteps, writhing through the obstacles he had just moments before until she reached her final destination at the epicenter of the bloodied field. The moment she had arrived, she was appalled to recognize the challenge their own subordinate posed to the male - the Vecaan - and how completely ignorant the challenger was in believing the pack would be better suited under her leadership. Morphine had almost risen to her paws in adamant objection a multitude of times during the verbal argument between the duo, only desiring to prove the female wrong in every accusation she had made and every unspoken prediction that Morphine knew backed each intention Desdemona would pose. But she refrained from doing so; this was Kaien?s battle to fight and she would allow Kaien to fight it on his own, as she couldn?t protect him from this woman?s idiocy as she had with their last encounter at the battlefield. He could hold his own and he could conquer on his own - she knew it. She had placed too much faith in the male to have thought otherwise.

But she was wrong. The physical battle had barely begun and Kaien had pulled back to submit even before Des had laid a paw on his pristine coat much to Morphine?s bewilderment. Her heart thumped vehemently against her chest as she attempted to comprehend what was happening, a rage she had never experienced before abruptly overtaking her as she finally came to terms with the fact that Kaien had just given up after his solid arguments against his opponent without a decent battle to back it up. No, he had not just submitted his position upon the tiers of Tortuga to a foolish canine who hadn?t even resided within the ranks for a long enough period of time and hadn?t learned her facts, but he had also completely disregarded how this would affect Morphine as well. She wanted to lead, to pull Tortuga from its overshadowing demise, and she desired this from the moment she had challenged the brute and he had just handed it over to Desdemona as if she had the power to resurrect Tortuga. Did he really believe Morphine so incompetent as to hand it over to Des, after all the plots she had conjured to aid the pack on its path to its eventual repair? Yes, yes he had.

But the disappointment did not end there, as the statement from Kaien that greeted her ears next caused a growl to rip from her throat; he wanted Des to murder him so he wouldn?t have to hide his shame from the rest of the pack for submitting. Such a selfish decision caused the woman to adopt an entirely different perspective on the male; the Valhallans had been right and so had Viridiana and the bulk of Tortuga with their decision on this male?s capability. Perhaps the only reason she had even considered the male competent and overestimated his capability was because he had so willingly supplied her with the power she desired without a fight. No ? the woman perfectly understood now how much of a coward the brute truly was; he refused to battle for superiority over Tortuga with her, he had refused to fight even to kill a traitor with the Valhallans, and now he refused to brawl for the sake of Tortuga. And in that very moment, listening to Kaien speak those words, Morphine had had an epiphany, but an epiphany that had come all too late.

She remained hidden from her vantage point, witnessing Des? compliance to Kaien?s request as her jaws lunged for his jugular with the fierceness of a kitten and the blood that trickled down his neck and chest to paint the silvery hue a dark crimson. She watched the flame that flickered within the depths of the male?s eyes subside and die but she refused to look away, allowing the intense emotions of both anger and sorrow to devour the apathetic barrier she surrounded herself with as he collapsed in a heap onto the would-be arena. She watched him die, horror painted across her visage and tears of shame that refused to fall flooding her eyes. That was it ? that was the end of Kaien. Long live the king.

Her mind urged her to move and confront the murderer for her deeds, but her body remained rigid and her legs refused to propel her even an inch forward. You fucking coward? she choked, her voice a raspy whisper as she tore her gaze away from the pathetic carcass a few feet away from where she stood rooted. She was still in disbelief that the male had managed to disappoint her in such a manner; he would disappoint his father undoubtedly, but Morphine wondered if she was the one who would feel the most disappointment in Kaien?s actions. Despite her negative opinions on the deceased king, she still could not help but succumb to that sorrow and that disappointment ? he had become an ally of sorts and she had begun to appreciate his company, but all of that apparently did not matter to the male. But it did matter to the woman, no matter how much she wanted to deny it, no matter how much she needed her emotionless fa?ade to stand true instead of falter at his death.

On impulse, she finally revealed herself as she strode forward towards his carcass at a quickened pace, overcoming her momentary paralysis as she pushed past the culprit to Kaien?s murder without much regard for herself. Once she came within close enough proximity to the corpse so that it became tangible, her muzzle tentatively reached out in the direction of his neck, her jaws molded shut although she desired to tear into him for what he had just done, her nose briefly brushing against his skin that had not been tainted with blood yet. Whether or not it was an action of affection or one to confirm he was truly gone was debatable even in Morphine?s eyes as she rolled onto her haunches beside him, lids draped over her eyes and thoughts buzzing around her brain as she still attempting to comprehend it all. Everything was opt to change now - everything.

She remained silent for a few moments, fully aware that Des had not yet departed and was waiting for the inevitable reaction from her. She desired nothing more than to do unto Des the same that had been done unto Kaien, but she would refrain from such an action if only temporarily for there was much to be said to the girl. A few times, Morphine?s jaws parted as if she were to begin speaking, however, they snapped shut immediately afterwards as the words died in her throat. At last, after what Morphine could only assume to be minutes following Kaien?s demise, she finally grasped the words and stuck with them, her voice a monotonous drone as she addressed the other. Desdemona, if I would have known how much of an idiot you are, I would have seen that you were released from this pack from the moment some fool permitted you into it. She fell silent once more, her eyelids finally fluttering open to reveal the metallic depths beneath them, now clouded over in tears. Her gaze remained fixated upon Kaien as she did so, not even bothering to glance in the other?s direction even though her words were harsh and demanded immediate retaliation. The woman ? new Vecaan ? of Tortuga could have ended her life right then like she had Kaien?s; however, Morphine doubted she would pull such a stunt from just the insulting words her jaws spewed forth. Curiosity in Morphine?s reasoning would keep her from performing a second murder ? at least, that is only what Morphine assumed.

You claim Kaien and I have single-handedly made an enemy of Valhalla. What reasons have we provided them with to loathe us as you claim? None that we had the capability to control. She shook her head then as she answered for the woman, assuming the woman knew the only contact Tortuga and Valhalla had had with one another was over Neo who had made the decision to betray his family on his own, not over the influence of neither she nor Kaien. If Valhalla had made an enemy of Tortuga, it was over Neo and Tortuga had little to nothing to do with it because they didn?t control his initial actions of betrayal. What you say of Kaien is true ? his unwillingness to fight has lost us some respect. But, dear, I will defend my own pride and say that I fought, so do not chide me as if I did nothing for Tortuga. Because you are wrong to say so, you?re damned wrong. Do not claim Kaien and I were so willing to go to war with Valhalla; do not claim we were doing everything within our power to ensure it happened. If you honestly believe that Kaien and I are so daft as to place Tortuga in such a position then I pity your unintelligence. I pity that you believe reaching out to Valhalla will solve any problems; I pity that you believe reaching out to them will have no repercussions. Valhalla will demand something of Tortuga, and not something insignificant. I can promise you that, Your Highness. Speaking of which, if you think Tortuga will willingly accept another new leader, a chortle slipped from her jaws, laced with mockery. Good luck.
