
Lets make this whole world new


07-25-2014, 11:27 PM

She couldn't help the smile that toyed on her scarred lips. He had gone off and created his own pack. Not only had he offered her a place within the pack, but he had offered a place of authority. It was total surprise. Not in her wildest dreams had she expected such a thing, especially after all they had been through. Perhaps it was a peace offering? His way of wanting to mend their friendship and start fresh. No matter what, she would take it. She had taken the position without question and now sat beside him. He had called old Covari members, calling to those who wished to join. It was surprising that Vi had handed off the pack without telling anyone, especially her. Part of her was hurt, but she was far to excited to worry about it now, she would seek the woman out later and talk it out. For now her attention was on the new arrivals of wolves that would seek to join their pack. Her tail would thump against the ground before calming and curling quietly around her. She would sneak a glance at Cru, unable to wipe the grin off her face. Nervous excitement settled in her belly, it hadn't been that long since she was Queen, and she was more than thrilled to be back in a position of power. Verdant gaze would search for Ekko, waiting expectantly for the small woman to come rushing to her side.

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