
Time to say goodbye


07-25-2014, 11:37 PM

It was time. She had heard the faint call of Crucifx. Granted it had taken longer than expected, but she had not lost faith that the man would eventually get his pack. She would rise, gather her children from their play with a gentle bark and her gaze would shift to Ares, brightening with excitement. Her crown would tip back, calling for Katja. She hoped the woman would understand, but this was what was best for her family, for her kids. Her would look down at her two kids, smiling. "Now listen very carefully. We are about to travel to a new home, its far away, but we will be safe there. Are you two ready?" She would look at both of them, fully aware that she was taking them from their birth place. But they would grow up elsewhere, in a pack that held promise. She would look back at Ares, moving to nuzzle him as they waited for Katja. The woman always seemed to be prompt, so hopefully they wouldn't have to wait long. Haunches would recline as she leaned against Ares, tattered audits swiveling as she listened for the approach of the dark Queen.
