


07-26-2014, 09:23 AM

It was shortly after her's and Talon's arrival that Roman would speak, addressing everyone and introducing new members to old ones. Kangi forced a smile when a few looked her way but other then that she simply tried to make herself smaller and curl into Talon's side. There was a pause after her introductions before she would carry on. Words jumped out at her like a slap in the face and her eyes would snap open as wide as saucers. Danger. Poison. Trespass. War. Her jaw would unhinge, working like a fish out of water as if gasping for air but no sound would come out as she was swept over by shock and horror. War... She didn't know what that meant but it sure as heck didn't sound good!! Roman would step forward to call for allies and Kangi would turn her wide eyes gaze to Talon as if searching for answers in his face but still unable to speak. She was still staring at him when they started arriving, other wolves from other packs.

What was this? Allies Roman had said... They all began speaking as well... Speaking of this war thing and slowly Kangi would lift herself. "Kaga...." The word dropped from her mouth like a stone, barely even realizing she had said it until he made his appearance. The ice king who's pack Kangi had joined for the shortest time to be with Talon then had promptly fled. "Kaga... Kaga, Kaga... Talon let's go..." There was more urgency there now as her gaze locked onto the pale king and she began to back up slowly. Why was he here? Were they friends? This couldn't be good. Her horrified expression would seek out Talon's face as she tried to mentally drag him backwards with her. 'Please come with me...' Her gaze would plead, of he would come with her she would leave right then and there.