
We've A New Life


07-26-2014, 11:33 AM

Her words were so sincere, so gentle upon his ears. Kar thanked Siri that she had lead Nalyda to him, or perhaps him to her. Did this mean that he didn?t miss Zanire? Of course not. The bear had become a big part of his life as well, and losing her still hurt terribly. The coming of spring just reminded Kar of that loss, but he was trying to push through it. But, on the plus side, he wasn?t alone. He had Nalyda here with him, ready to come to his aid if need be. She would support him with her love, just as he would support her, through things thick and thin. ?Oh my love...? He would say softly, brushing his fur against hers.

The gray, white, and black male would follow his mate into the den, wanting nothing more than to rest with her for a while after the days events. It had hardly begun, yet so much had happened. It made his head spin, no, ache. He would carefully lay down, shifting the injured paw so he would not cause it more irritation. Lime green eyes would shift to Nalyda, lowering his head so that he could nuzzle her nose. ?No matter what happens, my Nalyda, never forget that I love you.?

Speech, Thought