
Mine, mine, MINE



5 Years
Extra large
07-26-2014, 11:56 AM
OOC: I asked Iko to clarify how Esti was laying in her third paragraph after she attempted to free herself and she said Esti is laying on her left side still so I've based Laufey's response around that.

His efforts earned him a moderate amount of success. While he succeeded in rolling the two of them over, he'd missed her ear entirely. Not that it matter too terribly much, his end goal had been met. He wished to savor his new position and the power it gave him, but there was no time. The fight must go on.

In retaliation, he attempted to stand over her with his left forepaw against her shoulder blades and his right in front of her chest, scant inches above her forelegs. His back paws were to be positioned in a similar manner, with his left pressed against the base of her tail and his right carefully placed behind her back limbs just below her butt to avoid her kicking it out from under him. All this in an attempt to maintain his balance and keep her pinned. He didn't want his own moves used against him. The boy tensed and bent his knees, digging his splayed toes into the ground as he did so, hoping to make it even harder to move him. His tail, curving up slightly, was held rigidly out behind him for balance.

Freed from the burden of his weight, Laufey's hackles finally had the chance to be visibly puffed. The boy rolled his shoulders forward to protect his neck and he lowered his chin, lips curling in a warning, hoping the combination would make the vital throat area an unappealing target. His ears remained pinned and his eyes narrowed, both speaking volumes for his displeasure.

Esti lunged up for his nose and the boy jerked his head back instinctively. Her top teeth grazed the bridge of his nose before sliding off the end, peeling pieces of skin off as they went. Furious, he snarled, his lips curling back further in a wicked smile as a thought struck him. He was thoroughly enjoying his stance over her and wishing to aggravate his sister further so the boy lifted his right back leg, toes out, and attempted to kick Esti as hard as he could in the rump. Big ole nail shaped welts upside her left butt cheek would serve her right for trying to steal from him. At the same time he lunged down, jaws parting, shoulders hunching further as he leaned down, to go after Esti's own nose in the hopes of biting into it. A nose for a nose. It was only fair.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)


ATTACK: Positioning himself over Esti to keep her pinned, kicking her butt with his right back paw (nails held out to scratch her because that's the kind of things siblings do, duh!), attempting to bite her nose

DEFENSES: Weight centered and balanced, body tensed, knees bent, toes splayed, hackles raised, tail out for balance, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked, teeth bared, ears pinned, eyes narrowed

INJURIES: Bruising to his neck, moderate wound to the middle of his neck, scraped nose


OOC: Finally done! Sorry for the wait! I'll post this in Judging ASAP.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.