
Memory Come When Memory's Old



5 Years
Extra large
07-26-2014, 12:17 PM

He paused. Or maybe something stopped him. The boy blinked slowly. There was fogginess to his brain that made simple thoughts difficult. He blinked again, the fog lifting slightly, and fixed bleary eyes on Daegmar. "Esti?" The name was whispered through dry lips. It took him a moment to recognize that the wolf before him was not his sister. He stared at her uncomprehendingly. Why wasn't she Esti? That's who he was looking for. This was...who was this? Her coat was the fae who'd fought him. Laufey stared hard at her for a number of seconds until his mind finally made itself up. No, it was not the shadow.

Moving at the speed of molasses in winter, his brain took several more seconds to register that he'd been asked a question. From there, as he tried to formulate an answer, it poked along like a turtle. The gears moved oh so slowly. The infection coupled with dehydration was slowly eating away at his ability to form a coherent response. To begin with, that he was able to understand the question he'd been asked was a marvel.

When he was at last able to answer, the boy was a bit defeatist. Sardonically, he replied, "I don't. It refuses to let go of me." And with that he began to wander again, taking a few slow steps forward as his mind hazed over. Esti. She was out there somewhere. She could help him.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.